Photograph of a blue sky with clouds. One cloud is heart shaped. Tower Hamlets CVS Health and Wellbeing Forum. Thursday 16 May from  2.00 to 4:30pm in person at The Green House, 244-254 Cambridge Heath Road, E2 9DA and online. For more information, email

1/ Tower Hamlets CVS Updates

Photograph of the buildings on the corner of Cambridge Heath Road and Old Ford Road, Bethnal Green. Pink billboard on one of the buildings with yellow and white text inviting you to the Tower Hamlets CVS AGM (Annual General Meeting) , Tuesday 30 April / 4.00 - 6.00pm, @Bernie Cameron Community Centre, 32 Merchant St. Bow, E3 4LX. THCVS logo in the top right hand corner of the billboard
We're hiring a Development Officer - Application Deadline 12.00pm on Monday 29 April. For more information, please contact - THCVS logo in the bottom left hand corner. Photograph of Whitechapel market set within a circular frame.
Group of 9 people of different ages and ethnicities. Speech bubbles with text that reads: Join the  Neighbourhood Forum. Be part of creating solutions to issues impacting health in  your community. 2nd speech bubble reads: For residents in Bethnal Green, Globe Town, Weavers, Spitalfields & Banglatown.  Logos: THCVS, Women’s Inclusive Team (WIT), Somali Senior Citizens Club, Social Action For Health, St Margaret’s House, Civil Society Consulting, Tower Hamlets Together, London Borough of Tower Hamlets & NHS logos along the bottom.

2/ News, Local Events and Learning Opportunities

purple background with a line drawing of some of the iconic buildings in London. Text reads: The festival of care is coming to London - London Care SHow, building a better future for care. 24-25 April 2024, Excel London
Improving physical health for people with serious mental illness. Improving physical health for peole with serios mental illness across north east London. Join us to share your views and ideas, and to collaborate to define our focus for the next year. The event is open to all: people with lived experiance, voluntary sector and staff.
Photograph of a man who is smiling. Recipes of Life - Stories of Migration and Brotherhood by GIANTS
Tower Hamlets Trauma informed Community of Practice. Small may of Tower Hamlets
Dark. blue background with white text: Death Café @ St. Joseph's Hospice. hotograph od a piece of rainbow cake and a mug of tea with a skull and roses on it.
hear logo (humanity, equality, rights) - Digital Inclusion in London
Research Matters: Sharing Knowledge, Building Trust. Showcasing examples of best practice in research transparency and knowledge sharing. Thursday 23 May, 5.30 to 7.00pm, followed by a canape reception. Graphic of a man and woman speaking to each other. Barts Health NHS logo and Queen Mary logo.

3/ Health Promotion Campaigns

Roll of toilet paper spelling out 'Life Saving Poo'. NHS logo in the top right hand corner.
Turquoise background. Graphic of a man sitting on a chair with a child on his lap. Measles cases are rising in England - Make sure your child is up to date with their vaccinations. NHS logo in the tip right hand corner.
Professionals Survey – Working with autistic adults and adults with learning disabilities
2 speech bubbles. One containing a photograph of a woman smiling and the other with text that says "Just say Hello" with a waving hand. Text on a dark blue background that reads: Connect with your community, one hello at a time. To lern more and to get involved, visit: Logos: London Borough of Tower Hamlets, THCVS, Connection Coalition, Tower Hamlets Together and Well One. #justsayhelloTH

4/ Opportunities to get involved 

Photograph of 5 people in a meeting. There are laptops and papers on the table. Volunteer Centre Tower Hamlets logo in the top right corner
Green background with the insire logo - Black Health Inequalities Summit
hear logo (humanity, equality, rights) - Digital Inclusion in London
Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy consultation - London boroiugh of Tower Hamnlets logo in the top right hand corner. Icons in white circles of keys, a baby and a pair of hands holding a heart
Photograph of London. From Tower Bridge leading into Tower Hamlets
Dark purple background with Amplifying Lives logo.Photograph of 4 women of Black African and Black Caribbean heritage.
Professionals survey - Working with adults with learning disability and autistic adults. London Borough of Tower Hamlets logo int eh top right hand corner

5/ Training and Learning Opportunities

Tower Hamlets CEPN (Community Education Provider Network). Your local training Hub logo

5/ Funding

Photograph of City Hall and the river Thames coloured in green. Text reads: Shared Endeavour Fund - Standing together against racism, hate, intolerance, extremism, radicalisation and terrorism. Groundwork logo in the top left hand corner
White background. Title reads: North London Forensic Collaborative. North West London Community Collaborative logo and the NWL Mental Health, Learning Disabilities & Autism Provider Collaborative

6/ Jobs

Link to funding page
Link to events page
Link to jobs page