Tower Hamlets CVS Health and Wellbeing Bulletin

Graphic illustration of diverse people exercising. Graphic of fruits and vegetables. THCVS logo in the top right hand corner.


1/ Tower Hamlets CVS Updates

Tower Hamlets CVS Strategy 2024-2029. Colourised photograph of Whitechapel High Street. THCVS logo in the bottom left hand corner.

2/ Health Promotion Campaigns / #KeepingTowerHamletsSafe

Connection Coalition Tower Hamlets - fighting loneliness and social isolation. Reaching residents most at risk of loneliness. Thursday, 13 June / 9.45am - 12.45pm / Rich Mix, 35-47 Bethnal Green Road, E1 6LA. Logos: COnnection COlaition, London Borough of Tower Hamlets, Tower Hamlets CVS.
Speech bubble that says "Just say Hello".Speech bubble that says "Just say Hello". Just say... It's good for me to keep active! Keeping on the move has many perks. Not only is it good for the health of your body and mind, you'll meet new people when you get outside and start chatting! To learn more and to get involved, visit: Logos: London Borough of Tower Hamlets, THCVS, Connection Coalition, Tower Hamlets Together and Well One. #justsayhelloTH
Your next poo could save your life. If you receive a bowel cancer screening kit, use it. You could stop cancer before it starts. NHS logo.
Photograph of 2 women having a discussion with each other. Sister's Crisis Hub Supporting those in need during the cost of living crisis.

3/ Training and Learning Opportunities

Register now: 6 week menopause course. white writing on a pink background.
nia: delivering cutting edge services to end violence against women and children. Photograph of a woman.
Section Title
Addressing Forced Marriage: Recognising the signs and supporting victims. Free Traiuning. COmpass Wellbeing logo in the bottom right hand corner.
Transform the way you think and do equlaity. Black and white photogreph of a man and woman interacting with eachother.

4/ News, Local Events and Learning Opportunities

Photograph of the staff/volunteers from My Ends with Sadiq Khan.
Celebrating Africa Day - inspire Health Fair. Photograph of an African woman with half of her face painted. Inspire logo on the right hand side. Supporting the health of Black Londoners.
Black and white photograph of a group of people wearing headphones.
May 2024 Holiday Activities. Step forward logo in the top right hand corner. Geometric design of shapes and stripes in light blue, yellow , green and black.
Photo of a young person painting
Improving physical health for people with serious mental illness. Improving physical health for peole with serios mental illness across north east London. Join us to share your views and ideas, and to collaborate to define our focus for the next year. The event is open to all: people with lived experiance, voluntary sector and staff.
Photograph of the London skyline
TH_IS OPPORTUNITY - Health Care Careers and Jobs Fair 2024. Wednesday 3 July / 2.00 to 6.00pm / Tower Hamlets Town Hall, Grocers Wings 1,2,3, 160 Whitechapel Rd, E1 1BJ. Free admission. Tower Hamlets Together and Tower Hamlets. TH_IS East London
Graphic of 16 men, women and children standing together. Tower Hamlets Together Summer Fair 2024
Section Title
Road to Logistics logo. TRain to be an LGV Driver. White text on a dark blue background.

5/ Opportunities to get involved 

Call for evidence. How social cohesion initiatives led by commmunity and faith groups are contributing to strengthening London's resilience to shock.
Graphic of a gun, a fist punching and a knife contained within a light blue circle. Serious Violence - Public Engagement Survey. London Borough of Tower Hamlets logo in the bottom right hand corner.
Women's Resource Centre Engagement Group. London Borough of Tower Hamlets logo in the top right hand corner.
Purpole background with Care Quality Commission logo in white.

6/ Funding

Apply for a grant. Photograph of a woman with glasses sitting behind a computer. Wakefield and Tetlet Trust logo in the top left hand corner.
Join the National Digital Inclusion Network. Free digital inclusion services and membership benefits means you can provide a world of opportunity for the people you support. Help digitally excluded people in your community by joining the National Digital Inclusion Network. Photograph of a man simling while using a laptop.
Barchester’s Charitable Foundation - Making a difference
Green background KeolisAmey Docklands Community Grant Funding Programme This funding programme is designed for local community organisations to improve the lives of people living and working near the DLR network.

7/ Jobs

Link to funding page
Link to events page
Link to jobs page