What is the Mayor’s Small Grants Programme? The Council’s has a vision to support and invest in a thriving and diverse voluntary and community sector to enable it to improve the lives of residents. To support this vision the Council launched the Mayor’s Small Grants Programme on Monday 11th December 2023. The programme will provide £800,000 of annual grant funding between November 2023 – March 2027. The Small Grants Programme is targeted at small sized organisations with a maximum annual income of £150,000, to ensure a wide range of organisations can access Council funding and ensure all sections of the community benefit. What projects will it fund? The Mayors’ Small Grants Programme was developed in partnership with residents and partners and consists of 5 themes: - Mayor’s & Young Mayor’s - Youth Empowerment Fund – Support young people to design, bid and deliver projects for their peers
- Mayor’s Positive Activities for Young People – Support activities during school holidays
- Community events – Support events that brings communities together, celebrate our diversity, national and regional celebrations
- Mayor’s Capacity Building Programme – Support organisational development which strengthens local organisations’ ability to deliver services
- Community chest - Very small grants to support community events and activities
How can organisations apply? All the information on how to apply is provided on the Council’s website. The website includes information on eligibility, how much funding is available, what the funding can be used for, bidding process and assessment process. The outcome of the previous round is also available on the website. What support is available? The Council is providing support on how to apply for the grants through online information events. Sign up for the events on the Council website. If you have a question or need support, then please can get in touch with the Grants Team by emailing vcs@towerhamlets.gov.uk. Closing date for applications: 28 June 2024 |