Hello and welcome to our newsletter! Every year, during the month of June, the LGBT+ community celebrates in a number of different ways. Across the globe, various events are held during this special month as a way of recognising the influence LGBT+ people have had around the world. Why was June chosen? Because it is when the Stonewall Riots took place, way back in 1969. Only a few years later the first pride march in the UK took place in 1972. This was a transformative time for many people. For the first time, individuals who identified as queer could openly celebrate their identity without feeling ashamed. Since then, many groups have formed to provide a wide range of support for the LGBT+ community. These groups include elop (East London Out Project) who lead the Tower Hamlets LGBT+ Community Forum bringing together people who live, work, study or socialize in the borough to discuss and influence issues that affect them, such as hate crime, asylum, faith and social care; Step Forward offers counselling and mentoring for young people, Aponghor British Bangladeshi LGBT+ provides a safe, inclusive space for queer Bangladeshis, and Positive East has been at the front for three decades providing HIV support from diagnosis to longer term care. There are also emerging groups like Bender Defenders empowering the queer and trans community through Muay Thai and self-defense training. In this newsletter, we will highlight some of the upcoming events and opportunities for you to get involved. Whether you are out and proud, questioning or closeted, or somewhere in between, we hope you will find something here that inspires you, supports you and connects you with others. This year’s big Pride in London event will take place on Saturday, July 1. It will start at noon at Hyde Park Corner and the grandstand in Haymarket will be open from about 11.30am for viewers. “Hope will never be silent.” – Harvey Milk HAPPY PRIDE!
The THCVS team |