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Venues Directory

This venue listing provides information and contact details on meeting rooms for hire from voluntary community organisations in the Tower Hamlet and wider area.

Matching Venues.

Title Venue Facilities Number of rooms Room capacities
291 Gallery & Restaurant Catering, Disabled access
4th Floor Studios Accessible toilets, Allows block bookings, Catering, Disabled access, Equipment hire, Pay & Display Parking, Toilets 3 230
Aberfeldy Neighbourhood Centre Accessible toilets, Allows block bookings, IT suite, Toilets
Account3 Accessible toilets, Allows block bookings, Catering, Disabled access, Equipment hire, IT suite, Kitchen, Pay & Display Parking, Tea / coffee, Toilets, wi-fi 3 20-40
Acme Studios Office space
All Saints - The Langley Hall Accessible toilets, Disabled access, Equipment hire, Kitchen, Toilets 1 160
Alpha Grove Community Centre /Community Hall Accessible toilets, Disabled access, IT suite, Kitchen, On site parking, Toilets 2 100
AND Association Accessible toilets, Allows block bookings, Catering, Disabled access, Equipment hire, Induction loop, IT suite, Kitchen, Office space, On site parking, Pay & Display Parking, Tea / coffee, Toilets, wi-fi 4 (5mx5m) + (18mx7.5m)
ARBEIT Kitchen, Office space
Artsadmin Accessible toilets, Catering, Disabled access, Equipment hire, Pay & Display Parking, Tea / coffee, Toilets 7 20-280
