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Venues Directory

This venue listing provides information and contact details on meeting rooms for hire from voluntary community organisations in the Tower Hamlet and wider area.

Matching Venues.

Title Venue Facilities Number of rooms Room capacities
Deal Street workspace Office space 1
Dockland Settlement Accessible toilets, Catering, Disabled access, Equipment hire, IT suite, Office space, Pay & Display Parking, Toilets 5 20-150
Docklands Sailing & Watersports Centre Accessible toilets, Catering, Disabled access, Equipment hire, On site parking, Tea / coffee, Toilets 2 12, 200
Eastbourne House Arts Disabled access, Kitchen, Tea / coffee, Toilets 2 10, 70
Eastside Youth & Community Centre Accessible toilets, Allows block bookings, Disabled access, Equipment hire, Kitchen, Pay & Display Parking, Tea / coffee, Toilets 1 50
Ecology Pavillion Accessible toilets, Disabled access, Toilets 1 220
Emmott Senior Citizen Lodge 1
Epainos Ministries (New Testament Church of God) 1
Espacio Gallery Accessible toilets, Disabled access, Toilets 1 40
Fern Street Family Centre Disabled access 1
