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Venues Directory
This venue listing provides information and contact details on meeting rooms for hire from voluntary community organisations in the Tower Hamlet and wider area.
Matching Venues.
Title | Venue Facilities | Number of rooms | Room capacities |
Langdon Park Sports & Community Centre | Accessible toilets, Allows block bookings, Disabled access, Kitchen, Tea / coffee, Toilets | 2 | 20-180 |
Lansbury HARCA Community Centre | Allows block bookings, Disabled access, Equipment hire, IT suite, Kitchen, Pay & Display Parking, Tea / coffee, Toilets | 3 | 70-200 |
Limehouse Arts Foundation | Office space | 60 | |
Links Yard workspace | Office space | 1 | 1 |
Mahua Youth Project | Equipment hire, IT suite | 1 | 1 |
Millers Junction | IT suite, Kitchen, Office space, Toilets | 30 | 1 |
Mulberry & Bigland Green Centre | Accessible toilets, Allows block bookings, Disabled access, IT suite, Kitchen, Toilets, wi-fi | 1 Theatre, 6 Rms & 1 Community Hall | 17 Rooms, 34 Double Room, 90 Community Hall & 145 for Theatre |
Mulberry and Bigland Green Centre | Accessible toilets, Disabled access, Equipment hire, IT suite, Kitchen, Office space, Toilets, wi-fi | 7 | 5 - 150 |
Mulberry and Bigland Green Centre | Accessible toilets, IT suite, Kitchen, Office space, Pay & Display Parking, Toilets, wi-fi | 5 | 5 - 150 |
Nunnery Gallery & Carmelite Cafe | Accessible toilets, Allows block bookings, Catering, Disabled access, Equipment hire, Pay & Display Parking, Tea / coffee, Toilets | 1 | 100 |