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Venues Directory

This venue listing provides information and contact details on meeting rooms for hire from voluntary community organisations in the Tower Hamlet and wider area.

Matching Venues.

Title Venue Facilities Number of rooms Room capacities
Rich Mix Accessible toilets, Allows block bookings, Catering, Disabled access, Equipment hire, Induction loop, Pay & Display Parking, Toilets, wi-fi 8 20-400
Roman Road Adventure Playground Accessible toilets, Disabled access, Kitchen, Pay & Display Parking, Tea / coffee, Toilets 1 75
Samuda Community Centre Accessible toilets, Disabled access, Kitchen, Pay & Display Parking, Tea / coffee, Toilets 1 150
SHA Community Centre Accessible toilets, Allows block bookings, Disabled access, Equipment hire, IT suite, Kitchen, wi-fi 1 65- 70 people
Shadwell Centre Accessible toilets, Disabled access, Equipment hire, IT suite, Pay & Display Parking, Tea / coffee, Toilets 9 15-20
Social Action for Health Accessible toilets, Disabled access, Toilets 1 12
SocietyLinks Tower Hamlets Accessible toilets, Allows block bookings, IT suite, Kitchen, Pay & Display Parking, Toilets 2 Room 1 has15 computer desks, room can hold up to 20 people. Room 2 can hold 30 seated at desks or 50 in general.
Spelman Street workspace Office space 1 1
St George-in-the-East (Anglican parish church) Kitchen, Toilets 3 25-150
St Hilda's East Community Centre Accessible toilets, Allows block bookings, Catering, Disabled access, Equipment hire, IT suite, Kitchen, Pay & Display Parking, Tea / coffee, Toilets, wi-fi 6-7 20-100
